#ClimateImpactsAgriculture – Melbourne

#ClimateImpactsAgriculture – Melbourne

Climate Experience: Beekeepers have seen a decline in their honey yields. Explanation: Honey yields are decreasing with rising temperatures as well as areas suitable for honey production.[1] Melbourne is getting hotter, the last 18 years have been above average...
#ClimateImpactsAgriculture – Mildura

#ClimateImpactsAgriculture – Mildura

Climate Experience: Winemakers have noticed grapes are maturing early and being harvested earlier than they used to. Explanation: The region has experienced 20 of the past 21 years above average temperatures.[1] Increase in temperatures affect time of harvest and in...

#ClimateImpactsWater – Mildura

Climate Experience: Citizen has noticed lower river flow in recent years. Explanation: Stream flow has decreased in southern Australia since the 70s.[1] Mildura is getting drier, it has experienced below average rainfall for 12 of the past 15 years.[2] Ramifications:...
#ClimateImpactsWildlife – Elwood

#ClimateImpactsWildlife – Elwood

Climate Experience: Citizen spotted an eastern fiddler ray, a species usually found only in eastern Victorian waters. Explanation: The East Australian Current has extended 350kms south since the 1940s, increasing Victorian water temperatures, enabling warmer water...