Nov 26, 2019 | by Aaron Brooks
We’ve all heard the alarms: climate change is coming. Someday in the future it will drown our cities, burn our houses and eat our children – someday. However according to the #ClimateImpactsVic map, climate change is not coming – it is already here. And...
Jun 8, 2019 | Heat Related
Climate Experience: Bushfires have caused huge damage to the area. Explanation: Increasing temperatures and less rainfall have lead to greater forest fire danger.[1] Victoria has become substantially drier.[2] 2000-19 has seen 67% more total fire bans across Victoria...
Jun 7, 2019 | Heat Related
Climate Experience: Citizens have noticed trees struggling to cope with persistent heatwaves. Reports Include: Plane trees suffering defiolation along Thomas Mitchell Drive. Hakeas, Japanese Maples and Elms are also struggling in the area. Arborists reported double...
Jun 5, 2019 | Heat Related
Climate Experience: Citizens have noticed that Red Ironbark trees have seen an increase in failed flowering events. Explanation: Trees under heat stress struggle to grow and flower; they may also lose leaves and limbs.[1] The region has been getting hotter and drier,...